Life :: Staying on Top of Good Habits

Back in March I wrote a post about some awesome habits that I had picked up during pregnancy, and how I wanted to keep them once I had the baby.

Well here we are almost 4 months into the postpartum whirlwind, and figured I’d do a quick update on how well I’m actually keeping up with my goals.

One of the big ones was drinking water and keeping up with getting a good 32 ounces of liquids/water in me. This has been a little tougher and one that I shouldn’t stop since I’m breastfeeding. I still drink a lot of liquids, but not always water. And sometimes it’s a little bit too much tea.

I’ve been reaaaaaally bad at keeping up with the skincare routine. I pretty much only wash my face in the shower. Whoops! I barely wear any makeup other than the occasional mascara and lots of lip balm. I’m all about beauty routines that are easy.

Since I got a Passion Planner, even though I’m not using it yet (as I haven’t finished my current bullet journal), they have the handiest printouts that can be used to track almost everything. They have them for the compact and the classic version as well. I am so excited to put these to good use.

I’m planning on breaking this PassionPlanner in for September, since that’s when my current one ends.

Habit tracker

I’m going to be using the Habit tracker, the Water tracker, the Finance tracker, and the Fitness tracker. These will pretty much keep me on track with majority of the big ones on my list from the March post – exercise, water, routines, and saving!

I think the finance one is probably the best one for me, since now that I’m on a more fixed income I need to watch my spending.

I can’t wait to do an update on when I’m actually using this bad boy.

What do you use to stay on track with a baby?

J x

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