Manifest Your 2024

Happy 2024 everyone!

I feel like it’s been a hot minute since I’ve sat down and just rambled on here so let’s go.

2023 was intense. I don’t know about you, but can you feel things shifting? For me, I didn’t find 2023 terrible. The last couple of months were more intense and rocky for me but it got everything out in the open and lifted a HUGE weight off my shoulders. Plus it gave me some homework and some deep-diving into my history to get my shit together. It’s a work in progress, but at least now it’s in the right direction.

I know that 2023 has been absolute dog shit for other people and I think everyone was glad to see the end of it. I know that this technically isn’t the true new year, so I’m deep in the planning stage, and not quite the application stage. I’m prepping so that come spring I will be ready to tackle the rebirth stage.

2024 Is Feeling Optimistic

I know I spent much of the 2022-2023 deep-diving into conspiracy theories. 2020-2021 was a huge eye-opener for me. I briefly mentioned it here about how much of a deep dive I went and how the COVID scam made me rethink everything. 2023 unfortunately did not give much of a reprieve from that! I wasn’t ready to let go, and people are still pretty stuck in the narrative. But like I said, 2024 feels like there’s a shift happening.

I’m taking more of a break from social media during the day. I’m trying to not be on top of the news as much. I’m still going to be aware, but nothing is going to change so I’m realizing that the radical change that I’m waiting for needs to come from me. From my family. From the community that Andrew builds (and I ride on the coattails of because, hello introvert). It feels like the right time to do so.

What Does This Mean For Me?

This means that it’s time to pull away from large(r) corporations and shop smaller. Supporting local farms and putting my money where my vote is. I’ve already started making switches to that – of course, I still shop at Costco. But I no longer purchase meat at a grocery store, instead shopping at local farms. I hope to start increasing my baking and cooking so we are less reliant on the grocery stores, especially with inflation.

Andrew and I will be sitting down and planning out our garden for this summer, and I will have to look into actual preservation tools. We just finished cooking and jarring the tomatoes for sauce which I’m pretty excited to use!

My pickles didn’t do great but that’s also because I didn’t pick them and pickle them at the right time. Should I do a post on the garden and plants we decide to go with?

Creativity Is Calling in 2024

I’m also really feeling the pull to get back to my creative side this year. I have 2 creative goals for this year, and I’ll post updates on them at some point. One is artistic and the other is writing. I always say that I’m going to write here more (and I would like to!) but it’s the first thing to get dropped when things get busy. But if I’m writing more here, as well as journaling, perhaps the creative juices will flow easier in every aspect of my life.

Health-wise, every year exercise is the goal. But I never make it. So right now, it is what it is. I know it needs to be a priority and I’m good with whatever gets me moving. Since getting Bailey, I’m at least walking 5K (almost) every day and riding now twice a week which helps. But my flexibility is lacking. I just feel that if I make it a goal its just added pressure to get it done which won’t help. I feel more accomplished if I can make it work once a week over beating myself up because I missed every day. MINDSET.

Reading has been really good for me as well. So I’m hoping to bounce between reading and writing every other day. Sometimes you have to plan and set aside blocks of time for things to happen.

I feel like on social media vision boards have been back around, so clearly I’m not the only one feeling the creative energies. This is a big year of change astrological for Capricorns (Pluto is shifting? I’m not sure the details, but it’s been all over my Instagram) so it’s probably why I’m feeling such a significant energy shift. AND I AM HERE FOR IT!

Honestly, for 2024, I’m aiming to be more chill. Finish things that I’ve been putting off. Finish projects that need to be finished. Distance myself from what’s going on outside of what I can control. Stay away from the fear-mongering. Try to stay in the moment more. Build better life practices and take small baby steps to make them stick.

I feel like my entire life outlook has changed and I need to realign my goals. Not that I’m not constantly doing that already, but I need to step back and take a look at the bigger picture again. Now that the kids are older there’s more weighing on my mind and I need to consider them more than I did when they were babies. The struggle is real #momlife, right? And I need to make sure that Andrew and I are still on the same page.

Anyway, enough rambling for one post. Here’s to an amazing 2024. Year of the Dragon (my year!) and to let all the bullshit go.

J x

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