Unlock the Power of Cycle Syncing Your Flow

The Cycle Syncing Handbook is a fabulous tool to help one understand the hormonal cycle.

Cycle syncing is something I’m deeply fascinated and passionate about. There’s something so powerful about a woman’s menstrual cycle and many women have no idea! Each woman’s journey and relationship with her cycle are unique. And I’m no exception. Mine was pretty late, I didn’t start my cycle until I was almost 17. By today’s standards, that’s extremely late.

The summer between 10th and 11th grade, I shot up almost 5 inches but still no period. I was not stressed about it. Eventually, though, I did get it. And it was fine! I was pretty terrible at tracking when I was a teen. I never knew when it would be coming, and never had any signs or symptoms, but my acne sky-rocketed. So I decided to go on birth control. That helped control my acne for a bit and kept me on track but there were other symptoms I hated about birth control.

Shortly after I met Andrew, I decided to go off birth control for good. It’s now been over 10 years of not being on birth control! Two pregnancies later and I’m pretty pro at tracking my cycle. I briefly talked about tracking my cycle between my 2 pregnancies here, so it seems fitting that I’m now talking about it again!

Now that I have my cycle down pat, it’s time to look into cycle syncing. This book couldn’t have come at a better time for me! I had just started incorporating the Alo Moves ‘Syncd’ yoga series into my routine, and the Universe aligned for me. Now let’s get to the book!

Getting to Know Your Flow

This chapter was the “info dump” chapter. A lot of information about your body, cycle, and hormones and how they all work together to create your cycle. There’s so much you do and don’t need to know, this chapter makes it easy to follow and understand. This is a great tool if you are trying to get pregnant (or avoiding it!) because once you track your cycle and ALL its phases, you’ll know when you can and cannot get pregnant.

Cycle Syncing

Break It Down: Seasons

The four hormone-level phases correlate to the four seasons: Inner winter, spring, summer, and autumn. We have these four seasons occur throughout each menstrual cycle every month.

Inner Winter

Inner Winter is the phase of menstruation. This is the slow down, rest and restoration period.

Some suggestions to try to take 20 minutes of intentional rest a day for this season that would appeal to me are:

  • Take a few days off social media
  • Schedule a 5- to 10-minute meditation or breathwork session before opening your laptop
  • Start a book you’ve been wanting to read

It’s not about whether you should or shouldn’t do things on your period. It’s about asking yourself every day, “What do I truly want and need?” Then, make your decisions from an empowered place, not an arbitrary rule.

The Cycle Syncing Handbook, p 24

Inner Spring

Inner Winter transitions to Inner Spring, which is the follicular phase. Just like Spring, this is the time when you feel energetic and ready to take on the world.

Some suggestions to try to embrace the season of Spring that appeal to me are:

  • Set time limits on social media
  • Have a “spring clean”. Clear away clutter, and add some flowers to the table
  • Hang out with the kiddos to bring out your imagination

You can harness this energy for the rest of your cycle if you don’t overdo it right away. Your garden doesn’t jump straight to full bloom — you need to plan out and tend to the garden first.

The Cycle Syncing Handbook, p 35

Inner Summer

Inner Summer is the ovulatory phase. Due to the release of hormones, your body feels unstoppable, energetic, and just magical. I always feel amazing in this phase. Your skin feels great, everything seems to work for you instead of against you.

Some suggestions of habits to build for this season that would appeal to me are:

  • Hosting a dinner party or potluck
  • Batch cook meals for the autumn season
  • Enjoy creative time, like writing, crafts, or dancing.

Consider what you’re bringing to life — it doesn’t have to be a baby! It could be a piece of art, a business, a relationship, even a book.

The Cycle Syncing Handbook, p 48

Inner Autumn

Inner Autumn is the luteal phase. This is the nesting period! I always find I have more energy to devote to cleaning my house. I have less patience for the “mess” and everyday clutter and want to get some large organization projects out of the way. Such as clearing out the boy’s closets and sorting clothes for donation (or trash).

Some suggestions to create intentional self-care moments for this season that would appeal to me are:

  • Take an Epsom salt bath
  • Simplify your schedule. Nix anything not essential or exciting
  • Finish the book you’re in the middle of

This season is all about truth, insight, and pruning your life like your garden. Your inner autumn directly asks you, “But what do you really think and feel?”

The Cycle Syncing Handbook, p 61

Each chapter has self-care prompts, journal prompts, tips and suggestions on how to take your practice deeper. There’s an almanac worksheet to start your journey, highlight trends, and get to know each inner season. I’m using these in my journal to start highlighting my inner seasons.

Creativity, Movement, Food, and Relationships

Angie Marie breaks down each of the above into their chapters, and rightfully so. There’s almost MORE information in these chapters because she talks about how each season affects how you will feel doing these activities.

In these chapters, she shares personal stories about how she was before cycle syncing and afterwards. She highlights the difference between linear and cyclical thinking in these areas of our lives. She breaks down what the seasons correlate to in your cycle, and how to incorporate them into your existing routine. At each chapter’s end is a log chart, project map, meal builder, and energy & boundaries log.

You’ll have roughly 400 cycles in a lifetime. That’s 400 chances to evolve toward your truest, most awesome self. Have fun with it. Your cycle is your superpower.

The Cycle Sycing Handbook, p 140

Cycle Syncing it All Together

This book is an amazing resource I can’t wait to track my cycle and get into the nitty-gritty of my cycle syncing journey. I know myself, so I will start small, with the seasonal journal prompts before growing it to include all the other aspects of my life. If I overwhelm myself, it’ll never happen.

J x

The Cycle Syncing Handbook by Angie Marie is available on AmazonIndigo, or your preferred retailer. This copy was gifted to me by Ulysses Press via Pacific & Court. All opinions are my own.

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