Life :: Blog Lately

I know, I’ve been AWOL for quite some time. I came back from vacation and thought I was all pumped and relaxed and ready to get back into my blogging grind – Only I wasn’t.

I’m not going to apologize for this time that I’m taking off. I’d rather post nothing, than post crap. Something uninspired, and just not good at all. I still feel a little guilty about it, but I’m in a phase where I don’t feel like coming home and going straight onto my computer. I’m hoping that I get my groove back for Decemeber, because I do have a ton of ideas and no urge to write or take pictures.

I’m also feeling that this new year is going to bring a bunch of new changes for me and this space. I think I’m going to stop trying to force myself to write every day. I’m going to cut out some topics that just don’t bring me joy anymore. I’d like to start incorporating more snail mail, and actually start getting that going where I’m always on top of it. I’ve let everything fall to the wayside.

I’ve even let most of the social media fall to the wayside. I’m starting to get back into Instagram, and it feels good. No pressure is nice. There are so many amazing bloggers, Instagrammers, whatever-ers out there that I don’t want to feel the need to keep up. I went through a phase where I tried to go to all the events, and try all the sponsored stuff that came my way, but I think I’m going to be slowing that down. I’m going all KonMari on my blog – keeping only the things that bring me joy.

Hopefully that means I can start translating that to my life… slowly. I want to find the joy in blogging again. I don’t want to be a slave to my computer. And I hope that you join me in this ride! I look forward to a productive and exciting 2017!! 

J x

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