2023 Is For My Health

It’s time to prioritize health again.

The last three years have completely ravaged people’s health, mindset, and overall stress levels. If you know me in real life you’ll know that the pandemic sent my family and me into a deep spiral of getting out of the Matrix.

I didn’t really ever talk about it much on social media, but for the past 6 months to a year, we haven’t been overly quiet about how we feel about everything that happened in Canada. This time last year Canada was in a “state of emergency” because of the Freedom Convoy. It was at this time that I lost faith in pretty much anything to do with our government, our media, and our healthcare system. Regardless of how you personally feel about the Convoy, they highlighted things that have been wrong or just weird with our system.

Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve… Turned into Two and a Half Years

I don’t know if I ever really talked about what happened during the early days of 2020. One post was made about it in 2020 and I never touched on it again. I wrote it 5 weeks into the lockdowns and boy… things have changed.

I’m not sure if it was because Canada is part of the Commonwealth but alongside Australia, we had the harshest restrictions around (other than China). Pretty much if you were unvaccinated, you couldn’t do anything. You couldn’t go inside restaurants, gyms, or movie theatres. You couldn’t get on a plane, train, or boat until October 2022!!! Unable to leave the country unless you could provide proof of at least two of the jabs.

I still count myself lucky that a lot of those things I don’t do. And going into 2022, I was stubbornly not letting go of things. I don’t like movie theatres and so I refused to go when they finally ended the mandates for them. Rarely do I eat in a restaurant. The places that spewed the most vitriol will never get my business again. The pandemic (and our government) divided the country between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

I couldn’t believe how quickly people turned on friends and family. How it was suddenly ok to spew hate and disgusting things to people’s faces for making a choice that has since been proven to not work. Things were said to my husband and me during this time that I haven’t forgotten (and never will).

It changed the way I look at and live my life.

I spent a lot of time anxious. I never counted myself as an anxious person pre-pandemic but I was waking up for about 6 months nauseous, unable to stomach my normal breakfast things until about noon. Then I’d be perfectly fine until the next morning. Until I figured out that those were my anxiety symptoms. Then it was just a mind-over-matter situation and I forced myself to eat as not eating made it worse. This was probably right after I wrote that first and only post. The thought of getting sick never bothered me. I wasn’t quite a non-believer that Covid existed, but I did believe that it wasn’t the death sentence that the news was making it out to be. I definitely don’t believe we need a vaccine to “get back to normal”.

But now I’m dealing with the effects that the extended anxiety and lockdowns left me with. Generally, it’s not a big thing. But I’m much more anxious about getting sick. Or my kids getting sick. I know rationally that it’s not a big deal and it happens. But my first gut instinct is “what if they get each other or me sick?” which isn’t normal. Well, maybe it’s normal post-pandemic. I think people have been made to be terrified of the common cold and never want to get sick which is making them rely on big pharma more. Don’t even get me started on big pharma. If you want more information on this, Candace Owens does a great podcast about vaccines and kids and everything called “A Shot in The Dark” (which she might be bringing back!)

I’ve stepped (almost) completely away from any pharmaceuticals. There are of course certain times when I’m not using a holistic remedy, but overall I’m all about holistic solutions. I’ll have a huge post about that and the products I’ve been using. I’m boosting our health and immune systems naturally with homemade bone broths, vitamins, and elderberry.

I became too cynical.

By the end of 2022, everything became a conspiracy and my husband and I stopped watching the news completely. Everything was a vaccine injury. My husband and I were doomsday prepping. Stocking the pantry because we knew things were either going to disappear or become too expensive. We’ve started planning our garden and ways to be less reliant on the grocery stores. It’s a work in progress for sure!

It’s not easy. We have growing boys who eat a lot and obviously enjoy the nice things I can’t make for ourselves. But it’s about balance. I still buy lots of things but I’m trying to make sure that I preserve the things that I purchase on sale in bulk. Summer will be better when we can grow our own.

So what are the health goals for 2023?

So this year I’m reminding myself to take a step back. It’s not all doomsday. Is the government doing its best to run this country into the ground? Sure. But I think I’m just going to do a mix of “Do my own thing, fuck the government” and when things happen I will push back against the government when I can. Right now, it’s not about me. It’s about the future of my kids. So I’m going to push back against indoctrination. I’m going to push back against socialism and digital IDs. I’m going to teach them how to create and grow and be self-reliant so they don’t need government handouts. I’ll keep one eye on the goings-on, but I’m not going to live my life around them anymore.

But I need to not dwell and obsess over the state of the world either. I know in my gut that shit will completely hit the fan with the executives that did this. People cannot afford to stay in the dark about this and let them create another pandemic.

I’m choosing to live my life for me and my kids.

I always joke that the pandemic turned me into a conservative farmwife in the early 1900s now. Don’t mind me just staying home with my kids, possibly homeschooling, while running a farmstead and growing my own food. But it’s true. And I’m not ashamed of that fact.

I’m talking about this more and more and I think it’s helping to wake people up slowly. Even if talking about it wakes up just one person, it’s better than no one.

Well this post got really deep real fast. Not quite the direction I expected this post on my health was going to go, but here we are.

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