Health :: Fixing My Back

Part of the reason that I’m more motivated to getting back into yoga, is my back.

Increasingly over the past 6 months, my lower back has been giving me a lot of issues. I’d get intense shooting pain down my legs, and generally just be uncomfortable while at work. Being a desk jockey and sitting for most of the day doesn’t help, but it’s fairly unavoidable right now.


So what am I doing? Well, besides getting back into yoga (a slow and painful process), I’m also supplementing my back by going to see an osteopath.

A what? An osteopath. Even I’m not 100% sure what he is doing, but whatever he’s doing is working. Pretty much it’s more of an Eastern medicine practice, as he doesn’t prescribe anything other than regular exercise and little tweaks to your every day life. Tweaks like not crossing your legs when you sit, and making sure that when you stand you have equal weight in both legs.

I’m going for my 3rd appointment next week, and so far I’ve seen some crazy changes. Has anyone else tried an osteopath? How did you find it?

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