Capsule Wardrobe | Life

Spring is a time for fresh starts.

And what better way to start a new season, than with paring down on the clutter in ones’ wardrobe.

There is always something to clean or throw out when you live on your own, and it’s amazing how much stuff you acquire without even realizing it. Like my closet. I did a major clean out of it during the winter, and I’ve decided that I want to jump on the capsule wardrobe bandwagon. Easier said than done. I have absolutely no clue as to what I like wearing!

So the first thing that I need to do is figure out “My Style“. I’ve been scouring through Pinterest, and updating all my boards, and thinking of bloggers who’s style I love, but it’s tough. I look at them and then I look at my closet and I’m just like, can I throw out everything?

So I did another clean out for the spring. More things are going, although more of Andrew’s things. I’m getting rid of skirts that I bought online and are too big, which mean they’ve never been worn. T-shirts that have been around for… ever. Shoes that I’ve never worn more than once. I want to clear out the delicates drawer as well, get rid of the things that are… shabby. It’s time to start fresh.

Maybe if I get rid of an item every time I do laundry… I’ll be closer to figuring out where the hell I want to go with my style.

Do you have any thoughts on how to figure out one’s style? Do you go by colour? Style of clothes?

I’m pleased with how much I’ve purged over the past couple months, and I think that I should be good. More might be hitting the donate pile, mainly because I just don’t wear a lot of the things I own. Ideally, I’d like to fill my wardrobe with more classics, but we’ll see how that situation works.

I’m just lucky that my work is so chill with the dress code I can go to work in jeans and a nice shirt every day.

J x

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