Health :: Barre Sculpt On-Line

A workout that incorporates dance movements to get fit? Sign me up!

When this email popped up in my inbox, I immediately knew that I was going to be purchasing it. I’ve never purchased an online work-out before, even though many of the yoga Instagrammers that I follow have created workouts and post about them all the time.


This one, created and coached by Jacquelyn Umof (@actionjacquelyn), is a month long work out that consists of 5 workouts that range from 30-35 minutes long. I think that was a major selling point for me. They’re not extremely long! Less daunting to commit to something that 30 minutes long than trying to figure out where I’m going to get an hour every day to do a class.

Practice Barre from home! Yesterday I announced my 4-WEEK Barre Sculpt plan on @codyapp! My super fun and challenging program focuses on sculpting your arms, toning your abs and defining your legs with small, rhythmic movements and conditioning! (link in bio) During our month together I will guide you through five 30-35 minute videos. Each class gets progressively harder, and as we revisit the workouts each week you will continue to build your strength, endurance and balance while challenging yourself and having a lot of fun! 😀😀😀 Added bonus that no studio equipment is required! 👍🏼 Tag a friend and do my program together!! 👯 #barre #sculpt #workout #summertime #bikiniseason #bootysculpt

A photo posted by *Jacquelyn Umof 💃 (@actionjacquelyn) on

You only need a chair, yoga mat, and some hand weights. I am so excited to get started on this, and get back into the swing of working out again.

You can purchase this through CodyApp, and once you’ve purchased it you have it for life! (Another selling point). I like knowing that I will be able to go through this on my own time, and be able to use it more than once! I feel like this has just started me down the slippery slope of purchasing work outs all the time now. But $29.99 (it was one sale!) is a lot cheaper for some thing that I’ll have for life than spending it on a gym membership (or that’s how I’m justifying it).

I think that I’ll try to document my progress with this one, and we’ll see how things go after the month is done! I’ll also be using this in tandem with yoga stretching as well. Wish me luck on this one!! I just hope that I can stay on the bandwagon.

Have you purchased an online work out? Would you? Let me know how you feel about them!

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