Health :: New Fitness Series!

Welcome to my new series, Fitness Saturdays!

I was brainstorming one night before going to bed, about how I really need to get back on the fitness wagon. It’s actually something that I think about a lot at night, and I’m always super inspired at night but then the morning rolls around and all the inspriation is gone by the draw of a warm bed.

But that needs to stop! I need to get back in shape, because I’m noticing a huge difference in how I feel and how long it takes me to walk up stairs.

So, I’m going to track my progress on my little blog space here. I’m going to video tape my progess, so this might actually push me into the vlogging world – shock of all shocks! I haven’t worked out all the details in that little goal yet. In addition to posting exercise vids, I’m also going to attempt to make better food choices. I’ve been pigging out on chips and sweets lately – so unlike me! So just in time for the holidays, let’s cut back and do some serious meal planning.

My mom gave me the great idea of using my Oma’s house for my practice, as she definitely has the space for me to unroll my mat! So I’m definitely pumped about that idea. It should encourage me to take my practice more seriously, and if that doesn’t work, I will definitely rejoin a studio to get regular practise in.

So many goals to think about, and I need to make that extra time to do it. Although school will be starting up again in January, I need to take some me time and get my exercise on! My days are going to be packed to the gills!  

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