While the Boyfriend’s Away…

…The girl gets to play.

Ok, so it’s not reallly like that. But Tiz has gotten a new job recently with crazy new hours. Which is good, because the money is sweet. But it’s an adjustment. Where we used to spend a crazy amount of hours together (from Thursday night to Monday night – not including work in between), now we just get Monday night and Thursday night. No more weekends, because his hours are 11am-11pm, or 11pm to 7am (which is actually really good for him, because he’s a night owl anyways). But it’s a job that he loves so I can’t really complain about hours now, can I? Besides, having him work is a good thing.

But now I seem to have a crap load of time on my hands. What to do with it? Why, reconnect with people that I’ve lost contact with throughout the years. I have a non-date with my friend Paul, and we are going out for dinner because we’re sad and don’t feel like cooking dinner for ourselves alone at home. How pathetic are we? It work just because then we can hang out.

I’ve decided that I’m going to make more of an effort to talk and see people. I’m very… nonchalant when it comes to people. By nature, I’m a loner. I’m perfectly happy being alone, and don’t really need people the way some people do. I’m not clingy (something I pride myself on) but I don’t let anyone really close. There’s always a barrier. I’m terrible for calling people up and saying “hey let’s do something” or even just saying hi. If people get me, and understand me, then they know that I’m not intentionally “snubbing” them, it’s just not my nature to call people just for the sake of talking. I was like that in high school. This isn’t to say that I don’t have friends (although some days it feels that way), while I was never the most popular kid in school, I always had a solid base of friends. Or what I thought was a solid base. I always had friends in different circles and I would circle around that circle. Never completely in, but never out either. (Maybe that’s why my “solid base” crumbled so quickly). I’ll probably never start randomly calling people on the phone (I hate talking on the phone) but I’m really going to try to NOT wait for other people to talk to me. I’m going to try to make the first move more often. To hell with being afraid of rejection, or failed plans.

It’s time to take the steps to being a better, nicer, more caring person.

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