Life :: We Bought a House!

Ah I’ve been sitting on this nugget for a bit, but didn’t want to jinx it.

first, home, house, buying

Andrew and I bought a house!

So now I’m broke. And perhaps even a little bit shellshocked. It happened quite quickly. Much quicker than I ever anticipated, especially since while it was on my radar that Andrew and I were going to do this, it wasn’t any where near the radar for this year. Imagine my surprise when Andrew told me to go see this house one day after work…

But we move on September 18th! Definitely a fixer upper, as things haven’t been changed since the 70’s. I haven’t even had a chance to take pictures of the place yet! That’s something that I’ll need to do this week, for sure. We’re hoping to get in this week so that we can start ripping off the wallpaper and carpet, painting and cleaning up the place to get it ready for us to move in.

This is the better part of knowing who it is we’re buying it from, as well as no one living in the place currently! I can’t wait to start decorating it, and figuring out paint colours! I’ve been going crazy on Pinterest, and even on Tumblr too. So many ideas!

house, planning, kitchen, bedroom, living room, table, bathroom, office

I think the best part is that Andrew and I are going to be doing the work together, and it should be amazing. *fingers crossed* I’m also really excited to blog about the DIY’s and all the progress that happens on here!!

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