Life :: Merry Christmas Everyone!

It’s finally here! Christmas Eve!

Everyone has their traditions, and my family is no different. Although, now that I have a significant other, we have to accommodate for each other’s families. This year I’m spending Christmas Eve with my family, a cosy intimate affair. My mom makes up a bunch of seafood, usually mussels and we all dig in with a hearty, crusty loaf of bread. Mm. The night is then spent curled up around the fire (my mom has an electric one in her apartment) with hot mugs of cocoa and talking late into the night!

Before we were adults, it was pretty much spent the same, except we hurried off to bed in expectant delight of the morning!!

I now have a little bit of time off during the holidays from work, so I have a huge ‘honey-do list’ except it’s probably more my list than his, other than the little handy man things around the house we both need to get on. Time for me to learn how to use a power drill!

I wish everyone the best Christmas, and love for you and yours! Merry Christmas!! 

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