Goodbye Aurele, Hello Melite

Behold, the Cocorrina ‘Melite’ 2023 planner.

I know what you’re thinking. Another Cocorrina item? Yes. It will always be yes. I feel like I just posted about the 2022 Aurele planner but I was quite late to the ordering bus for that one. This time I pre-ordered, and it arrived just in time for the new year.


Melite is a complete beauty.

Cocorrina hits another one out of the park. This one is way more artistic than Aurele, and I think that it’s a bit easier to read in terms of font colours. It reminds me of Spring, and I love the floral art pages.

This theme is about bees. I have a special place in my heart for bees. I feel like I have a special connection with them. This goes back to when I was in grade 9, I was working at a barn running pony rides on the weekends. It was a great first job that paid literally nothing but I also did a minimal amount of work and hung out with the cutest ponies all day. At 14, it was a win-win. One day, at the end of the workday, while I was mucking the field, I saw a bee struggling in the water bucket. I pulled it out, let it dry on my hand, and talked to it. I made a little pact with it, and it flew off and I didn’t really think anything of it.

But then, a couple of minutes later (I like to believe) that the same bee came back, and flew around me 3 times in what I like to think of as a thank you and the agreement of our pact. It was a moment and I’ve never forgotten it. And over the years, bees have just come and chilled with me. I also go out of my way to make sure that they’re good too. Seems like a good balance, right?


Moving into 2023…

I definitely didn’t use Aurele as much as I should have, and I really want to buckle down and use Melite to its fullest potential. I want to sit down each month with it and read it over. I don’t know if I’ll be able to write in it daily, but I’m aiming for 2 days a week. Ideally, I need to have the journal open so I remember to write in it. I’m going to really reorganize and reset my altar space.

A goal for this year is to start celebrating more pagan-style holidays, like the solstices. This journal will definitely help me stick with that I think, as well as give me suggestions on what to do each month. Need to dust off the tarot and rune decks and give them a spin again.

She’s already starting on the 2024 book (which will be celestial-themed) and I can’t wait to see it.

I hope to have a mid-year update with this one too, and keep up with it. Accountability, right?

J x

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