Review :: Vichy ProEven Night Cream

Proeven Night
I bought this immediately after the Vichy Skin Consultation, mainly because I had run out of night cream and was struggling along with my day cream. Especially after seeing the damage to my skin already, I figured anything to help protect and maybe even counteract that would be a blessing. Of course, unless Vichy has another one of those things I won’t know if this is actually helping with the sunspots under my skin. 
Proeven Night 03

Regardless, this cream is quite nice. The consistency is a little more thin, probably more along the lines of a serum than a moisturiser. It smooths nicely onto the skin and absorbs immediately. On the box it suggested using it a couple times a week like a mask – overapply the product to your face, let it sit for 10 minutes and wipe off any excess product. I haven’t tried this, mainly because I’m lazy at night and want to get to bed as soon as possible. 
Proeven Night 02

I enjoy the look of the product, and it’s quite easy to use. The nose on the tube allows for a more precise amount of product to be distributed, and the dark blue with silvery-white lettering is quite appealing to my eye. A little bit goes along way, and I’ve had this for about a month and use it quite regularly. I’ve always had a soft spot, and my skin seems to like Vichy products, so this line is definitely something that I’d repurchase when needed. It’s not drying on my skin, and doesn’t leave any greasy residues afterwards. Always a plus! 
Definitely recommend this cream! It is a bit pricier, but it definitely goes a long way. I also got a couple samples of the day cream which I actually forgot about, so expect a review on those soon!
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