Travelling Without Mom | Mom Life

How long have you spent away from your little one?

Back in 2018, I knew that I was going to be doing the Montreal weekend trip for quite some time. Andrew and I decided to slowly introduce not being with Kaiden. 

It’s always a little weird to go spending every waking (and sometimes sleeping) minute with your baby to spending time apart. To not have him under the same roof as you!

Slow integration is the way to go. 

Kaiden has always been good at sleeping wherever – the joys of spending time up at the cottage. So the issue wasn’t going to not being at home. The issue was going to be the separation.

As I went back to work part-time last May, it made more sense to have him stay overnight with my parents so that I could get at least one full day of work in. So Mondays and Tuesdays Kaiden stays at my parents so I can work. Honestly, Kaiden did not care that his parents weren’t around. I barely got a wave goodbye once I dropped him off. That’s real love right there. I kept in touch with my parents and it seemed like he didn’t even notice. Slept great, ate great, had a great time getting spoiled.

The first couple times were harder for me. The first time, especially so! Not having to worry about waking him in the middle of the night, or have to be home at a certain time… Wait, who am I kidding? I adjusted to this routine just as well as he did.

Monday nights turned into mini little date nights with Andrew. We’d have dinner, warm and uninterrupted. Maybe watch a movie. Or (as it happened more and more) just have a full night of uninterrupted sleep. Glorious.

Now, Andrew and I try to pawn him off on whoever will take him (usually only the grandparents bite). This made Montreal that much easier for me. I was used to being away from him for a night, what’s 2 more?

Something’s coming up that’s a bit different for us.

Andrew will be traveling with Kaiden (and another couple with a child) on an airplane. For the first time. Without me. For a week.

I’m not worried about Andrew being alone. He’s a parent – he’s perfectly capable to handle his own. I’m more gleeful at this prospect. Now Andrew will know what it’s like!! I’ve flown alone with Kaiden once, and it was pretty easy. But he was younger and not as mobile. Good luck, Andrew.

Will I miss them for that week? Of course! Am I already filling it up with things to do that I can’t do with a baby? Hells ya.

The joys of video chat mean that I’ll be able to see Kaiden during the week, and I’ll be in touch with them. I’m just sad that I won’t be able to be in the warmth and sunshine with them!

Does this seem crazy to you? Or are you like us and spend regular time away from your baby? Let me know!

J x

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