
Shopping :: Sephora vs. Shoppers

I’ve always been a hardcore Sephora shopper… I’ll admit it. I’m kind of a brand-whore. And Sephora has really expensive, but good brands. But because I moved, I’m a little further away from my local Sephora and now Shoppers Drug Mart is around the corner from me. I popped in there last night, I was pleasantly surprised to see a bunch of things that I usually pick up from Sephora.

The Oscar Blandi dry shampoo spray I use, in stock and the same price. Excellent. Picked up a loofah, and J.R. Watkins Hand & Cuticle Salve (ugh.. my cuticles are awful) in Lavender. Yes, I reviewed their lavender hand cream, and said lavender just wasn’t for me, but because this is a more oil based salve, the smell isn’t quite as obnoxious. It almost has a minty undertone, due to the eucalyptus oil in it. Definitely nice for before I go to bed. They even carry Philosophy! So I might just be tempted to go check out what fragrances they carry…

I also picked up some more toner, I have been without for the past week and a half [since I moved out], and my skin has really been hating me. I used it last night and this morning and OMG what a difference already. My skin loves toner.

Shoppers also has the Soap & Glory brand, which is a Sephora brand in the States. But I guess Shoppers has the monopoly on that one here because you can’t even order them online from Sephora. I’ve always wanted to try something from this brand, and I think I might pick up a hand cream for work.. Paper work is rough on hands! Especially since I keep getting nasty paper cuts…

Now the main question for me, which points do I continue wanting to rack up? Although, for me… Whatever is in stock, is where I’ll go. I’m kind of excited to start hunting for new brands… Sigh.

Which store do you prefer to get your beauty products from?
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