Schooling Wednesday

Ahh Math test #2. Luckily for me, the tests aren’t as hardcore as the online assignments. We finally got our first test back, woot passed with a 79%. Also, he updated the first online assignment, which I also passed, *phew* just not very high. Definitely had better days, but I believe that this test went well. I messed up completely (I think) on 2 of the questions, which I know I’ll be docked marks for. Sigh, and the one was worth the most marks. Such is life. I just kept circling around the same numbers, it was really weird. Ah well, finished it. No point in worrying about it now.

Communications is actually the class that I’m enjoying most. I like being able to go and have conversations with people. The one girl in my group just bought a house with her hubby, which is so exciting! It’s definitely something that I look forward too. Ugh, though, my individual presentation is coming up in a few weeks. Should be alright though. Crazy to think that we’re already halfway through the courses. Sadly, I’ll never be able to watch another episode of Glee on it’s actual night… Damn you, Tuesday night classes!

I’m randomly super pumped about tax season, because I’ll be able to claim school! Which means I should get money back! Woot. Thank G. Last year, I had to pay out money. Boo.
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