Recap :: Weekend No. 8

Alright, so I was bad last week and skipped one, but due to the holiday I was just feeling plain ol’ lazy. What can I say? Sometimes it’s just nice to get away from everything technological. I’ve been really good at stepping away from always being connected these past couple weekends, and I’m really enjoying not always checking Twitter or text messages.

Anyway, this week was kind crazy on the amount of things that I was doing. Friday through Sunday was just go-go-go. Friday was an extremely long day, starting with being up at 6ish to have a longer day at work 7.30-4.30. Then Briana and I met up and grabbed some delicious pho and caught up on each other’s weeks [and gossip]. I think that brunch to the SATC crowd is pho to Briana and I. We were also going out later that night for a 90’s dance party downtown, so also a reason to get together for pho.

Sadly, the 90’s party wasn’t up to Briana’s expectations [I, of course, had none since I didn’t really listen to music back then], so we trundled down the street to our trusty Velvet Underground. And now we know, Friday’s is the night to hit Velvet. Really good beats, and not super crowded either. Although, our buddies weren’t there on Friday’s, it made me happy because it was music that I like. Not that I don’t like the Saturday night music, it’s just not always easy to dance to for me. And we didn’t stay out too late, so we grabbed food [no line!], chatted with the cute boy also standing in line, and then headed home. Andrew was surprisingly still up [cleaning/watching a movie] so we ate our poutine and then headed to bed.

Saturday was originally supposed to be brunch with the ladies, but that kind of fell through [lack of planning and solid plans], so Briana and I ended up headed downtown for some Chinese food. We were headed downtown anyway, so it was convenient. We meandered around Chinatown, I found an amazing store, and we did a lot of shopping. I was really good, I only spent money on things that I needed [although I splurged a little in Chinatown] [I’ll post another about this store, and the restaurant we went too]. By the end of the day, I was pooped. I picked up more Chinese takeaway for dinner for Andrew and I, and then vegged out in front of the tv. Definitely a good night. Although a late night.

The weather was possibly the most perfect that it could be in February, sunny and slightly warm with almost no wind. Can you get any better? I think not. I hope everyone had a great weekend as well!
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