Life :: Intense Budgeting

Kumo 05

Alright, here we are, almost at the beginning of another month, and I’m planning on starting an intense budget. There really isn’t anything to it other than I’m not spending anything other than necessities and everything that would be used to spend on clothing, beauty products and other things that I don’t really need but I feel like I need to spend money on, is going directly into savings.

It’s not going to be easy. I don’t know how many times I’ve posted about spending bans and the like, but this time feels different. Plus, there are things that I really need to save for. Life is happening quicker than I’d like to admit, and as much as I love spending money on clothing, I don’t really need to any more.

Things that I need/want to save for:

  • A mortgage/down payment
  • Going back to school – in a few years… Saving for a degree – Ouch! 
  • Having children
  • Vacations 

All very grown up things, if I do say so myself. I will definitely need luck to get me by on this one, although I might have to have a little money set aside so that I’m not 100% a hermit and can’t go out and do anything. Why is being an adult so damn hard? I don’t understand it. Other people make it look so damn effortless, but I seem to struggle every day. It’s one of those things were I make decent money, and yet I never seem to have enough. Why is that? I need to start writing down everything that I’m spending money on, and go from there.

I shall keep an update in this little space of mine, but it’s going to take a lot of discipline. Sometimes I wonder if I even have that… Wish me luck!
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