Life :: Horoscope

Ah another weekend. The weather is amazing, although today didn’t really turn out like they said it would. It was supposed to be in the teens, but didn’t get past 10. Ah well.

How’s that same old approach working? Even if the answer’s ‘pretty good,’ the stars suggest that a little change could make things even better as this week gets going. If an alteration makes you nervous, run it by someone you trust who’s doing well in the pertinent area. And — don’t panic — something may come to an end this week, perhaps on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Or maybe there’s something you should put an end to? Transitions may be scary, but they’re necessary; trust in the wisdom of the universe. Sometime this weekend, the right thing is right there. —  

So, it’s St. Patty’s Day, and Andrew totally thinks he’s Irish and we’re going to go out to a friend’s kegger/house party. I’m kinda meh about the whole thing anyways (I don’t drink, and especially not beer) so the whole day is kind of moot point for me. I know, it’s a good time to meet up and chill with people, but when they’ve started drinking at 11 am and we show up 8 hours later, it’s not always a good thing. I’ll go out, and hope for the best. It’s the last night we’ll be together for two weeks. I feel like I should get some baking done, but I don’t really know if I’ll have time. Math assignments, Andrew’s for dinner, and then out to the house party. Sunday I want to get cracking on packing, and clean up my room. Get rid of papers (oh how they accumluate so fast!!), sort through things that I can possibly give away… Fun stuff. 

Last night was a really good time,we stayed out pretty late, and talked. Dave is a funny guy, and his wife is so cute! He really loves his kids and I’m glad that they liked me. We’re gonna try and visit more often during the summer. Then we might actually see his kids… since they were already in bed when we got there. 

How was everyone’s St. Patty’s Day?

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