It’s the most, wonderful time of the year! It’s time to get crackin’ on them Christmas Cards. Handmade or store bought, it doesn’t matter! It’s the thought that counts!
Yes, you are reading this right. I figured that this year, I would get a bit of a head start, so that everyone would have plenty of time to figure out cards and send them out.
Card swap! I’m so excited. Ever since I started this last year, I’ve been planning for this year’s. I’ve changed up the form a little this time, and of course, am always interested in feed back from you!
This is open internationally, and sign up will be open until November 30, 2014. Everyone should send out their groups cards by December 14, 2014 so that they arrive by Christmas time!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me through the comments below, or via email.
I look forward to seeing all the amazing cards that you receive! Use the hashtag #XmasCardSwap2014 so I can see any pictures!

Join the Christmas Card Swap!!!
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