Happy 8 Months, Baby

Hard to believe that you and I have been together for 8 months. It’s just flown by, and I couldn’t be more happy.
Since I met you, pretty much everything in my life has changed (kind of). Ideals, ideas, dreams, career choices. This year itself will be a figure of massive change, and it’s nice to have you along for the ride. You’ve shaken up my world, and pushed me out of my little hermit bubble. I always like to think things happen for a reason, and I know that it was meant to be that I met you.
You make me think about what life would be like with you, waking up with you every morning, going to bed with you every night. I want to have a family with you (shockingly) and I want to travel and live life with you.
You make me so happy, and I cherish what’s all to come in the future.

4 thoughts on “Happy 8 Months, Baby

  1. I don’t need help standing up for myself, I just didn’t see the need to. I’m not worried about someone who doesn’t like my blog. I write this for me.

  2. What a good best friend you are to come running to the rescue, it’s too bad she can’t stand up for herself. Some things just never change do they. This blog is a riot. Please keep writing so we have things to laugh at.

  3. @ Anonymous: Wow, so rude. I feel sorry for the fact that your life is so sad, you feel the need to pick about people’s blogs and hate on them. Btw, you should be able to guess her approximate age by looking at the photos on her blog, unless you’re an idiot.
    @ JasmineFlower: Rock on!

  4. 8 months? How old are you anyways? Does your boyfriend know about your creepy blog in which you divulge every detail of your personal lives together? I feel sorry for him, and you.

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