Fairyloot October to December Unboxing | Stationery

I’ve jumped back onto the FairyLoot bandwagon again!

Honestly, now that they have cheaper shipping since they are able to ship from the US, it makes me so happy to receive this box every month.

My subscription started up in October, and while there was a little glitch with shipping (DHL lost all the US/Canadian packages which is like, WTF mate?) that meant that I had a FairyLoot packed November.

The October box theme was ‘Love At First Bite’.

The book was ‘The Beautiful’ by Renee Andieh and there was a bunch of vampire-themed stuff. FairyLoot has really stepped up their game when it comes to books. No longer is just being slightly different and signed good enough! We have sprayed pages! I love the look of them, with the contrasting black and red. Everything was pretty much in this colour scheme.

There was a hat that says ‘Bite Me’ which came perfectly in time for winter here in Toronto. I love the enamel bat pin, and the tarot cards every month are an awesome touch. The coasters were cute but a bit of a miss for me because I don’t use them and I have a ridiculous amount of them. I don’t currently use the padded book sleeve for actually carrying books, but will be using them on my upcoming travel trip for my electronics. I don’t actually go anywhere with books that require them. But I’m a sucker for bags of any kind so I’ll make some use out of it. The map and print was a nice touch, as well.

I can’t wait to dig into this book. I did read a couple of chapters but then like always, got a bit sidetracked and haven’t picked it up since.

The November box theme was “Magical Folk”.

The book was ‘A River of Royal Blood’ by Amanda Joy. I don’t think I’ve read anything by her before so this will be an interesting read.

This month we received a Christmas ornament made out of wood with a quote on it, a phone holder with a quote (this is made out of really nice material and has some weight to it!), an iron-on patch, a fake book with a compartment to store things (I’m using mine to put the tarot cards in!), and a reading journal.

Since I actually have a goal of reading a book a month (I’m already behind) the journal should come in handy!

The December box theme was “Defying the Odds”.

The book was ‘Eight Will Fall’ by Sarah Harian. This box actually had two books (although Eight Will Fall is the main book). We also received a copy of ‘Wicked As You Wish’ by Rin Chupeco. The book cover had amazing artwork inside which makes me want to display it!

I love how these boxes are always something different. This month we received a microfibre cloth with a quote on it, a tea blend, socks (that are super comfortable), Game of Throne themed pencils, magnetic bookmarks, a pin and a pouch.

The tea is quite delicious, I was glad that it was a black tea blend as I really don’t drink anything else. I actually love getting book-themed socks? I’m the type of person who always has cold feet so these are useful and I actually get wear out of them.

What do you think of these boxes?

I’m hoping to get caught up on some reading while I’m on vacation, so we’ll see how that goes. Keep up with my To Be Read and my reviews on Goodreads here.

Until March!

J x

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