Toronto :: Vichy Skin Specialist Consultation

Vichy Skin

Last Saturday, after reading about it on a couple other blogs and Twitter, I decided that I was going to make it down there, no matter what.

I didn’t manage to make it there before my plans for the day, but I was able to head over afterwards. It was definitely interesting. And just a little bit scary. I now know that I have terrible skin, and I need to take care of it more.

So, if you read any of the other blogs about it, ie Chic Toronto or Leopard is a Neutral, you’d know the gist of the procedure. If not, it consisted of a couple tests that told you what your skin was about and how to better treat it.

The most interesting part for me was the UV damage camera test [which once I saw it scared me]. I knew that the hydration test was going to be bad, I definitely don’t drink enough water [as I help myself to another cup of tea], so when they told me 22%, I wasn’t to surprised. You should be about 40% hydration, so now I need to start drinking more water. I bought a new water bottle, so now I can start working on my water intake. And this one shouldn’t break on me if I drop it this time. Yay.

UV Ray
Ahhh scary right?! 
Alright, I just want to say in my defense, that I worked outside when I was younger. I was in the sun for 8 hours a day working with horses back when I thought tanning was the most important thing and never wore sunscreen. Because I didn’t burn and tanned really nicely, I thought I was fine. Clearly, I’m not. And now I know better. Older and wiser. Can I also say, my skin looks amazing if you don’t look underneath it. 
I’m really excited to test out these samples, and perhaps these will turn into some new favourites!
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