Toronto :: The Yoga Conference

The Yoga Conference is back on March 31, 2016 to April  3rd, 2016 at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre and it’s only $15 for the whole weekend!!

The Yoga Conference
Courtesy of the Yoga Conference

So what’s keeping you from being there?

I went last year, and loved it. I didn’t do any of the classes, and even this year, I’m not going to be attending any of the classes (just because of the money situation), but there are a lot of really interesting classes this year.

If I could I’d attend these classes:

Urban Priestess Retreat – In our efforts to ‘have it all’, we often feel we are never enough. Learn to wield power in the feminine way, with an authentic voice, intuition, deep wisdom, beauty and inner confidence. Let Ashley reveal the mystical roots of The Priestess in the Avalon and Tantric traditions. The Priestess is the archetype of stillness, silence and centered presence. In deep receptivity and equilibrium, we become clear of reflections of truth, allowing others to see themselves and their journey more clearly. Through slow flow, yin yoga, ritual, silence and deep self-inquiry, learn to apply the real-world tools of the Priestess in practical and influential ways. In this day, tap into your deepest intuition in every moment, honor all phases of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman), heal ancestral wounds of your maternal lineage, use medicinal benefits of essential oils to heal through direct transmission. Women only please, do to nature of physiological nature of materials covered.

Chakra Detox Immersion Retreat – Chakras are the cornerstone of Yoga Psychology. They are an ancient map detailing the complex relationship between the structural body, endocrine system, human development, emotions, past traumas, the elements and mythology. Learn specific asanas, foods, mudras, mantras + essential oils for each chakra. Identify where specific emotions are held in the body + how to release them. Revitalize the digestive, respiratory, immune + lymphatic systems. Learn to quickly interpret physical symptoms as indicators of deeper, unresolved emotions. Recognize over- or under-active tendencies of each chakra. Incorporate simple, daily lifestyle protocol to maintain balance in each chakra. Understand how family history (ancestral karmas) affects your health + happiness. Begin the day with Chakra 1: Stability, Safety, Home, Family. Creative sun salutations + invigorating standing practice. Move to Chakra 2, 3, 4: Sexuality, Personal Power, Relationships, Love, fluid vinyasa, hip openers, twisting detox, core work + backbends. Conclude with Chakra 5, 6, 7: Creativity, Truth, Intuition, Spiritual Connection. Strong, comprehensive vinyasa flow followed by deep pranayama, mantra, visualization + extended meditation.

MalaBead Making – Set Your Intention – Create something for your journey. Leave with a completed mala bead infused with intention for use in mindful living, meditation, prayer or chanting.

Making a Mandala – Mandala making is therapeutic and symbolic. Using your insticts to guide you, be supported through the process of creating a reflection of your inner self. Leave with your completed Mandala framed and ready to inspire you.

The classes range in cost, and times. You should definitely check them all out here. Even if you can’t go to the conference portion, the show is good too! They have a range of yogic/health items and workout gear galore. I’m so excited to grab some blocks to enhance my practice (now that I’m finally getting back into it and am stiff like crazy).

If you’re looking to strengthen your practice, or are just looking to start out, you should definitely check it out! Buy tickets here, and hope to see you there!

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