Third Trimester Pregnancy Update | Mom Life

I can’t really believe that I’m already in my third trimester.

But at the same time, can this pregnancy be over already? This time has been completely different. I’m over it and yet not ready for another baby at the same time.

I last wrote about this newest pregnancy back in February when we did our gender reveal. February… 2nd trimester. This feels like it’s been a bit more of a roller coaster than with Kaiden.

First Trimester (September to December)

We found out we were pregnant! Honestly, going forward we’re going to have to be super careful during August and September since both my children were conceived during these months. We conceived way faster than I expected, putting their birthdays super close together (exactly one month apart if the Sprout comes on the due date!)

I wasn’t sick this time around, but definitely more nauseous. Certain smells threw me off and made me feel gross. I couldn’t eat certain things, and my gag reflex felt like it was crazy sensitive. I felt bloated all the time, and just generally uncomfortable.

Clothing was a big thing this time around too. I couldn’t stand being in anything constricting like jeans, so those went out the window real fast. I feel like I’ve been in yoga pants and oversize tees forever. Nothing really changed because that’s what I was wearing anyways… I’m feeling lucky that since I’m a stay-at-home-mom I don’t have to worry about dress/work clothes.

I just felt extremely large (even though I definitely wasn’t) and just not myself. It was a bit harder with Kaiden and getting up the energy to toddler level. I also feel like I caught every single cold going around. Sniffles – check. Whatever the bug going around at Christmas was – check. To be fair, the whole family caught that bug.

third trimester, ultrasound, pregnancy

Pregnancy-wise, during our first ultrasound screening we got flagged for a hormone PLGF and had to go in for more testing. That was a little stressful, but after doing the non-invasive testing (which means more blood work) we got the all clear but it just means that I go for more regular ultrasounds to monitor that everything is going well.

Second Trimester (January to March)

I finally started feeling more like myself, but even still. Just blah. At some point during this trimester, I did the ‘pregnant pop’ and all of a sudden was carrying a watermelon around. My back started acting up during this trimester as well – yay for sciatica pain! I couldn’t get comfortable and sitting or standing was painful.

At this point in the pregnancy, I’ve had a bunch of ultrasounds and I got diagnosed with Placenta Previa. This meant that I’m at risk to fly (and that’s why I couldn’t go to Florida), and my placenta is too low lying and is currently under the baby. It’s still fairly early and can move in time for delivery, but again, means more monitoring.

I also had more blood work and glucose testing for gestational diabetes. I failed that screening too. Went back a couple of days later to do the next step one and luckily passed that so no need to go on for more testing at the actual hospital. But they also noticed that my iron is low, so I’m now on iron supplements as well.

It seems like literally every test this time around I’ve failed the first screening.

Third Trimester (April to June)

At this point, I’m back to feeling like my best self. I’m back with a decent amount of energy. I don’t feel quite so large anymore? Which is a little weird because I’m now in the growing stage. My back pain seems to have disappeared overnight, and I’m finally getting to be really good with the supplements. I’ve cut back hard on how much sugar I was intaking (ok I love smoothies but I didn’t need to be eating quite so much fruit… or pastries). I’m trying to increase my water intake so I can cut the sugar out there (helps that I’m now having hot flashes and am so thirsty all the time). I do wake up at least once to pee at night, and I do seem to pee all the time during the day.

The Sprout is a much more active baby than Kaiden was, and I thought Kaiden moved a lot! Sprout, I think, just does bigger moves, so much so that my stomach is constantly moving. He’s constantly kicking me or stretching. And he’s especially active at night, so getting comfortable to sleep will be something that’ll get a little more challenging as he gets bigger.

I’m now just at the point that it’s kind of sinking in that it’s super close. I’m over the thought of pants and pretty much wear dresses if I need to look “presentable”. I still have a couple of moments where I get worn out and don’t feel well enough to go out somewhere. Oddly enough, I feel like I’m “showing the bump off” more this time around. I don’t shy away from tighter fitting shirts or dresses instead of trying to hide it.

I’m actually at the OB today.

I should hopefully get an update on the placenta previa issue. I will try to find out how “big” he is right now. He feels like he’s bigger than Kaiden at this point, but that could just be me.

It’s a little crazy that I just have a little over 2 months left… I’m ready to not be pregnant anymore, but still not ready to have a little one and a toddler!

If you want any more information regarding anything I’ve talked about here, let me know! I figured I wouldn’t get too in-depth about some of the more technical things regarding pregnancy.

J x

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