Recap :: Weekend No. 51


And wouldn’t you know that Toronto gets hit with an ice storm. Of course. I had plans but they fell through because driving conditions were so poor, I didn’t want to risk getting into trouble on the road. Sucks, but what are ya gonna do? Definitely better to be safe, than sorry.

Even though this weekend didn’t turn out quite as planned, it still was quite the blur. Andrew’s company party was on Friday night, dinner and bowling. It was a bit messy, nearer to the end of the night so I wasn’t the happiest camper, but it was a good night. I enjoyed the bowling and the dinner was delicious! I’m actually a huge nerd, and really enjoy bowling. I do take it rather seriously, and I’m usually pretty good. I won both games that I played, woot. Sadly I didn’t beat out Thomas, but maybe next time.

Then the storm hit. Rain rain rain that froze on contact with the ground. Lovely. I ended up hanging out with some friends, closer to home, and just chatted. It was great to reconnect with some people that I hadn’t seen since last Christmas. I’ve made the 2014 resolution to see people more often. To not let life always get in the way. Can’t be all work and no play all the time.

And Sunday was the epitome of lazy Sunday. Andrew and I both rolled out of bed around 12, and had a slow start. We cleaned a little bit, and then headed out to Scarborough for a family dinner. Luckily, we still had power and so did his uncle’s place. That would have put a damper on a good evening. Another late night, but this time with an early morning. But I’m on the last one this week, only a 1/2 day of work left!

Christmas is only 2 sleeps away. Where has the time gone!?
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