Life :: Date Night

For all those who follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you know that this weekend Andrew and I did a small little getaway to Niagara Falls a couple weeks ago.

It was probably the worst weekend to go anywhere since we got hit with so much snow. You couldn’t see the falls as it was so grey and misty, but it was still a lot of fun. Even though we froze our faces off going to breakfast and the casino. We had some interesting conversations during dinner, and I kind of had some dreams crushed… but I’ll survive. Hopefully.

Dinner was delicious, and we finally were able to use up a gift card that had been around for months. Woot. We then proceeded to be lazy bums and not go to the casino that night. Once we made it back into the warm hotel room, we definitely didn’t want to leave. We hopped into bed and watched Criminal Minds marathon episodes. I love that show, I always get sucked in! Although in the morning we did make it to the IHOP for an amazingly fatty breakfast of cinnamon apple pancakes and then went to the casino. I lost 20$ but Andrew walked out with the same amount he went in with. He was up to 120$ but he just kept playing until he lost. Such is life. I wasn’t really feeling any of the slot machines, but I don’t feel confident enough to play any of the tables. Maybe next time I’ll make it there.

We then made the slow drive home, stopping off at 2 friend’s houses since we were in the area. We spent more time than we expected at the one house, but I hadn’t seen them in a couple months and it’s always fun to spend time there.When we’re there they always set out such a spread of snack foods (like cheese and meats and crackers) that we ate so much we didn’t even need any dinner. We then headed to another friend’s abode, and they had just gotten the keys to their place. Very exciting! They also just got an extremely adorable kitten, making me remember the old days of Kumo as a kitten.  After hanging out there for a couple hours, we made the trek back home to our own abode. Driving in the wintery, snowy roads? Bah, child’s play!

We clearly made it home safe and sound. I love spending time with Andrew! 
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