Music :: The White Panda

The White Panda
If you remember, I went and saw these guys for the first time back in 2012. I was going more for the event and it being free than for them, but as soon as I heard their first mash-up I was in love. These two guys are very talented and get such a good club vibe going at any venue they play at.

The White Panda
While this time I hadn’t really listened to anything new [I haven’t downloaded anything new by them], it didn’t really matter. I had hoped that they would play one of my favourites, but they have so many that they played mostly from their new album.

The White Panda
And they totally rocked! I love these guys so much, they have such great mixes. Sometimes there’s nothing better than just bouncing in your Nike’s to great dj music. Luckily for us, we splurged a little on the VIP section so we were able to go have a bit of a seat when we became to old and our backs got sore. Andrew caved first and went and sat down, and of course being the chatty guy that he is, immediately started talking to the guy next to him. No bigs, haha.

The White Panda 
I waited it out a little longer, but then got a little claustrophobic with all the gross sweaty bodies around me, and went to the VIP section for a seat. Of course, I couldn’t stay down for long! I took more pictures, and even a little bit of video. I thought I took one longer than 3 seconds, but apparently not. Just as we were deciding to call it a night, they played one more mix and then they were done! Perfect timing? I think so! I think that really shows how old we are getting, wanting to head out at 11.30pm. We drove by the club that his friends were currently at, only to naysay it as there was a long line up around the building. No thanks! We headed home and called it an early Saturday night.

Happy Birthday present to me!
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