Recap :: Weekend No. 50

Bah, only 3 more weeks left to this year!!! Can you believe it? I’m very unprepared for this.

This weekend was another Christmas party, this time at the barn that I ride at, and it’s always a good time. Sadly this one wasn’t quite as jam-packed since the weather decided to dump about 20cm of snow on us Friday night. It was still a lot of fun, and I got to hang out with my Mom and talk with some of the ladies that I don’t see regularly at the barn. Ate some good food, although I wasn’t that hungry. I was able to distribute the cards that I’d written up for some of the ladies there too!

This week, since I don’t have any class(!) I’m going to get back on the blogger horse, and get my posts ready and scheduled for the week. Let’s get back to business, and achieve some of the goals that I need to get back into! *cough* yoga *cough*.

Have a great week everyone! 

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