Recap :: Weekend No. 5

Hot chocolate time?

Don’t you just wish that weekends could just be one more day longer? I do. Usually I’m unprepared for Sunday night when it quickly comes around. I’m always a little shocked, and think that it’s still Saturday.

Last night was no exception. All of a sudden it was 11.45 and here I am, rushing around, still posting up homework due at 11.59pm. That wasn’t all my fault, I was waiting on group members to finish posting up their sections. I did make the suggestion that we try to post by Sunday afternoon,… Just to be on the safe side.

But still that meant that I was blasting music and getting shit done until the wee hours. Ok, I was in bed just after 12. I posted up homework, got my work lunch and breakfast together. Finished with getting ready for bed and then jumped in. Although this morning as I was laying in bed, I suddenly had the thought, “I forgot to lay out my clothes last night. Crap.” Does anyone else do this?

Saturday night was great too, I finally had a girl’s night in. I went over to Briana’s place, and we drank some alcohol, [she drank wine, I tried and couldn’t do it, so I had some vodka] and watched Tomb Raider. We chatted about everything, I feel like I need to read more stuff when I’m with her. But we have a great time, and ended up chatting until 2am! Andrew picked me up and we headed home. I’ve really missed those one on one girl sessions. It would be nice with more girls as well. But sadly, to no avail [yet].

Other than that I purged a lot of paper from my apartment. Went through all my old piles of school work [from college] and got rid of it all. All the notes that are useless as I haven’t looked at them in years anyways. And now even more as I’m not even in the field. I have some more that I want to go through, and get it all organized. Should be great, and it’s one step closer to my perfect apartment life.

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and happy Monday!
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