Recap :: Weekend No. 21

Sadly it’s back to the regular drama of a normal work week. Nothing wrong with that, but I seriously need to get back into the swing of a regular schedule. All these late nights are slowly killing me. Never before have I had such terrible bags under my eyes. Needless to say, I look like shit.

Anyways this weekend was good. I was in bed by 11pm on Saturday night, and got a full night’s sleep. Sunday night I was in bed by 11 as well, and was able to get up at a normal time to give me enough time to put make up on. Go me! Day one of going to bed early routine is a success. Now, to just keep it up.

Friday was spent having a good time out with Andrew and our mutual buddy HJ. He was back in town for a couple days for a wedding and managed to meet up with us. It’s always so good to see him and his fiance, Kate. We don’t get to see them enough now that they live in the middle of nowhere. A relaxing night spent out with good friends.

Sunday, Andrew put on a bbq at his place, and I invited Briana out. It was definitely interesting at first because we were the only girls there [not that that’s an issue, but it was a little weird as no one else brought their girlfriends]. But then more people showed up, and the food got on the grill and it was delicious. The boys even made up a salad! Such good boys they are. And like a good blogger, I actually took pictures. I’m really trying to buckle down and get some of the 101 things crossed off my list this year.

It was a delightfully not busy weekend, even though I spent most of if trying to get homework done. But such is my life. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and a great start to the week!
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