Recap :: Weekend No. 15

Literally what I read this weekend…. 

And now the pressure begins. Exam number two happens tomorrow night, and I’m definitely not prepared. My weekend of studying hard core turned into me reading manga…. for the entire weekend. Epic fail, but it’s soo good.

Friday night consisted of yoga, and going out for Dennis’ birthday. Won’t lie, I didn’t really want to go out. But I did, and it was fun because we got to play some pool, but I was beyond tired. Andrew and I actually went home before everyone else. Which was awesome because I pretty much immediately passed out, only to have my alarm go off [what seemed like] a few minutes later.

Saturday was supposed to be my hardcore studying day. I was up early, met up with my marketing group for breakfast and then we got down to business for our marketing presentation. It might be a little slapdash together because we’ve yet to do a run through of our whole thing, but what can ya do. We definitely won’t be the worst of them. Then, because it was literally right across the street from my parents place, I headed over there for lunch and hardcore studying a 2 hour nap, before getting my hair done. After heading over to Andrew’s place we then chilled a little and then headed home. For more sleep. Because apparently I’m super deprived.

Sunday, I read manga. Literally all day. Although I did crack the text book and read another couple chapters. So that means tonight, I’m going to be cramming, and tomorrow exam. Then Wednesday cramming after riding, and Thursday presentations and cramming. Friday, more cramming and Saturday, cramming in the morning and then last. Exam. Finally.

It’s probably a good thing that Andrew might be leaving for the East Coast this week? Will give me no excuse to not study. Happy Monday, everyone.

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