Life :: DIY – Scrapbooking

Life :: DIY – Scrapbooking

How do you display pictures? Do you even do it any more with the age of digital? I’m definitely a contradiction. As much I have both feet firmly in the digital age, connected to pretty much every type of technology…

Health :: New Food Series!!

Two new weekly series in a week? What is going on here! I’m so pleased to introduce this weekly series to my blog. Back in the day, I used to have another blog, JasmineFlower Bakery, where I posted my baking…

Review :: Nivea Body Milk

Review :: Nivea Body Milk

I think it was back in grade 9 gym class when I was first introduced to moisturizing my body [and actually caring that I wasn’t a scaly person]. Being surrounded by a room full of judging girls, who are diligently…

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