Back in August, I packed up and headed out for a bachelorette weekend in Montreal. This was my 2nd full weekend away from Kaiden and the first one where I couldn’t just go home. This time, if shit hits the fan,…
Ermahgawd. I love me some Panic! At The Disco. This was my 3rd time seeing Panic! At The Disco and it was fucking amazing. I saw them back when they played small venues, medium venues and now large. Being at…
Tina Tran had a solo art show at #Hashtag Gallery in Toronto. I first heard of Tina Tran on Instagram; she has this adorable witchy girl alphabet ‘zine (that I still would love to get) and from there I just started following…
Pheww-ee. July you’ve definitely ended on a bit of a rough note. The writing hasn’t been coming easy this month. I feel like I was so on the ball in June, and I’ve just been slipping more and more behind….
How is it already the end of June?! Is it just me, or is this year just zooming by? Although we just passed the official start of summer on the 21st, the weather around here has been hot, hot, HOT….