
Books :: The Great Gatsby

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It’s been awhile since I’ve written a book review, mainly because I’m still chugging through Les Miserables. I’ve taken a slight break from it, because well, it’s massive.

In the meantime, I wanted to reread Gatsby before I went and saw the movie. The last time that I read this book was for grade 10 English class, and it was… boring. I didn’t like it. I didn’t really understand it, and I didn’t really care. Re-reading it now has put a different spin on it, and I really enjoyed it. I had forgotten how tragic it was.

There are still parts that I’m vague about because of the way he writes, but for the most part it was a much better book than I remember. I enjoyed that it seemed a lot easier to read as well, and it was very descriptive about it’s scenes. I don’t remember Jay Gatsby being so unstable, but I do remember that I didn’t really like any of the characters in the book, other than Carraway.

I don’t want to give away to many spoilers to the people that haven’t read the book, but it’s an interesting look at the darker side of human nature, I guess? I’m also looking forward to the 10 short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald that are in the book as well.

I’m looking forward to seeing how the movie compares now. 
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