August’s Fairyloot box! Finally, right? August’s ‘Tell Me Lies’ themed book is Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen. A darkly enchanting fantasy debut about a morally gray witch, a cursed prince, and a prophecy that ignites their fate-twisted destinies—perfect…
Author: Jasmine
It’s time to prioritize health again. The last three years have completely ravaged people’s health, mindset, and overall stress levels. If you know me in real life you’ll know that the pandemic sent my family and me into a deep…
January’s books finished on the To-Be-Read list! I feel like I’m doing much better on the reading front. I am making time and oddly enough, going to be earlier definitely helps. I’m trying just to read for a couple of…
What trials would you need to happen to change your life? Nothing about this month’s book is simple it seems like! July’s Trials & Retribution-themed book is The Darkening by Sunya Mara. In this thrilling and epic YA fantasy debut…
Most days it feels like a tightrope act. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve really talked about family life on here. Other than my latest post about Mexico, I’ve barely mentioned my family and life with kids in over…