Travel :: Prince Edward Island Part III

Ohhh, PEI. The place of beautiful sunsets, amazing beaches, and lovely farms overlooking the ocean. Can I say that this is my new favourite place in Canada? I think it is. Would I love to live there, hobby farm on the coast with a couple horses? Hells ya. Might not be for a few years, but I could totally do it. It might even be safe to say that even winters couldn’t scare me off? Shocking I know.
The sunset we had the first day there.
We made it over the bridge and into PEI roughly around dinner time. We always seem to arrive at dinner time. Which is good because then we set up, and cook. Although that night we had eaten in Cap-Pele, so we didn’t need to deal with food. Other than chips.. and snacks. Om nom snacks. Moving on. We stayed in Summerside, at an awesome awesome campground. We actually stayed there for 2 nights, which is unthinkable in this trip. But because of the way PEI is shaped, it made more sense. The only downfall [which wasn’t even a downfall] was that where we were on the site it had no hook up for power. So in the trailer we had no light, which meant early to bed once the sun went down! Not a huge deal. And we had an adaptor in the truck so we could just plug our phones in while driving around. So we arrive and are able to watch the gorgeous sunset. Not even 20 feet from the coastline, it was just divine. As we set up, a cute older couple is sitting at our picnic table watching the sunset, and we talk to them a bit. They’re from Hamilton, go figure. Then they left, and we continued setting up, and getting ready for bed.

A cute house on the coast… Perfect!
In the morning, Andrew and I packed up the trailer, but were able to leave the trailer behind because we weren’t sure if we were coming back for another night. We left it, and then traveled the coastal route up to Cape North. So, so pretty. Every where you look there are cute houses along the coast, ocean views, rolling farms. It looks like a postcard every where you turn!

Pretty as a postcard!
The restaurent and gift shoppe

Red cliffs

Once we arrived in the Cape, we actually saw the Hamilton couple again, and chatted for a bit and then we walked down on the rocks, put our toes in the water, and walked along the edge. Andrew and I found a spot where other people have gone down the cliffs. A make shift stepping stool out of rocks, precariously perched on each other. We climbed down that, I was a little more apprehensive than Andrew, but I was glad that we did. Being super close to the water we walked along rocks, getting our feet wet. We took some cute pictures of us too! Always a good thing. We climbed back out, walked around the other way, got someone to take a picture of us with the lighthouse, and then we went inside to eat some lunch. We ate mussels on the point of PEI. It was excellent!

On the shore of the North Cape, PEI
North Cape Lighthouse, PEI

After lunch we headed back, decided that we were too hot and just wanted to relax for the rest of the day instead of driving around more. So we stayed for another night in the amazing site, spent the afternoon swimming in the ocean. The Hamilton couple came back while we were drying off, and told us that when they were in town they learned that there were going to be horse racing at the track that night. So Andrew and I thought that would be a fun way to spend a night, and ate dinner and headed over. We missed the first couple of races but caught the majority. Always amazes me how much money people spend on the horses. These were Standardbred [pulling the cart], and it was fun. We did small bets so didn’t make any big monies. We didn’t break even, but that’s alright. All part of the game. I drove back to the campsite and we both crashed. It was pretty much the perfect day.

Lucy Maud  Montgomery, Cavendish, PEI
North Rustico, PEI
In the morning, we packed up once again and actually headed out with the trailer in tow to go up to Cavendish. We toured [and by toured I mean sped] through Anne of Green Gables things, and then did the coastal park route. GAH so pretty with all the red cliffs and sand. We stopped at all the lookouts, I read information about L.M. Montgomery, and then we went to a beach. Andrew went for a quick swim, and it was much cooler on that side of the island! Much to cold for me, so I just went in up to my knees, and splashed around in the shallow side.

Splashing in the shallow water!

Before catching the ferry
Watching the ferry come in.
From there, we headed straight to the ferry at Wood Island, and had about an hour to kill. We meandered over to the provincial park of Wood Island, complete with lighthouses, and water, and even a see-saw. It was so sunny and hot, and we watched as our ferry came into port, and then realized it was our ferry, and ran quickly to get a picture of us and the lighthouse, and ran all the way downhill to our car. Running in flip flops – not easy. Silly Andrew forgot his waterbottle by the swings so had to run up hill, and then back downhill. We made it, no worries. The ferry literally felt like nothing. The last time I’d been on one was back in grade school in Hong Kong, and it was completely different. Pulling the truck in, walking up the stairs to get above deck, all the seats, Wi-Fi, and a Cowz ice cream shoppe. Delicious. Om. We each had a cone, as we watched them make the waffle cones fresh and then walked to the deck and watched the Nova Scotian shore pull closer and closer.
On the ferry to Nova Scotia!
It was a little sad leaving PEI, but another leg on the journey was to begin!
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