Recap :: Weekend No. 43

I’m so, so terrible at taking pictures. It was Halloween weekend, for which I was very excited. And I didn’t take one picture of my final costume, make up and everything.

Black Canary, from Justice League. Give her a Google.

This picture is pretty accurate, other than the fact that my makeup rocked. False eyelashes and everything. The one day of the year where I suck it up and stick glue to my face. I love how it turned out though. I felt freaking awesome, even if no one knows who I was. We ended up going to Tattoo Rock Parlour and it was good for like the first hour, and then it just got majorly crowded and I was so tired of being pushed and shoved around by bitch girls. I felt so old when I looked at the time and it was only 12.15am, and I was so ready to head home. We did end up staying out until way later, and we stayed at the club til 1.30 ish. I was happy because they played Gangnam Styles.

Walking the doggggy!

Afterwards instead of the ritual poutine, we shook it up by getting roti and coleslaw. OMG. Sooo good. Definitely worth the change up. Although,… curry on fries would be amazing. Drooling just thinking about it! Andrew definitely enjoyed the change. We then all headed home, and immediately passed out. Andrew had gone out to a stag the night before [that I picked him up from] so we had two very late nights in a row. SO TIRED.
I was a terrible procrastinator, as I didn’t get ANY homework done on the Saturday. I pushed it all to Sunday… And then felt terribly sick. Made it back to mom’s to feed the dog, only to have the shit scared out of me when they all came home! The bro made it worse by banging on the door and making it seem like someone was breaking in. I was super close to trying to find a weapon to use. Good thing I was in the kitchen, bad thing was I didn’t know where the knives were kept! Best news was I didn’t have to worry about that.

Was such an amazing day.
It was a weekend of lazing about and playing with the animals. It was really nice to have a dog, and made me want one of my own! I can’t wait until Andrew and I get our beast.

The babies sleeping together.

They’re so cute together. I loves my baby cat though! He missed me, and followed me around all weekend. I’m going to bring him back home tomorrow! 
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