Recap :: Weekend No. 1

Cuz he’s adorable

The first weekend of the New Year. A fresh start. Time to get some new goals and some new habits in order. It’s weird to have this one start back at no. 1 too.

It’s very weird for me, because even though I’m 24 now, I don’t feel it. Nothing’s changed. I’m not suddenly this different person. I think that this year I’m turning 25, a quarter of the way through my life, and I almost feel like I have no idea where I want to go with my life. That’s just me panicking a little about getting old I think, because I have a fairly good grasp on my life.

One of Andrew’s buddy’s girlfriends turned 24 this weekend. We all went out for her birthday, and it was actually a really good time. We started at her place downtown, which was an interesting basement apartment. I say interesting, when I mean small and really low ceilings. It’s funny because her boyfriend is over 6 feet and can’t really stand up straight in it. But it was cute, and had me wanting to have a party at my place. Then we walked to the bar, Tequila Bookworm, and had a great time chatting with Andrew’s friends. I wasn’t drinking as I was the DD [which was awesome because I wore extremely high heels, and halfway through the walk there as we passed my car I switched to flats] and there was a moment in which I got really tired, and the party seemed to die a little bit. Then Ann started talking to me and it was better.

Sometimes the best thing about going downtown on a Saturday night is the food afterwards. Typically we get poutine after, but this weekend we weren’t willing to wait out the long line. We popped next door for some shwarma. I’ve never had shwarma before, and I must say that I was impressed with it. Delish! I might have to get some more instead of poutine. Does that count as being intro’d to new restaurents? I think so! [Not that I know what it’s called…]

I did absolutely nothing on Sunday, spent an amazing day in bed with Andrew. It’s been so long since we’ve done that it was a nice change.
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