Recap :: Weekend No. 4

So adorable.
So, if you haven’t noticed, I gave my blog a bit of a header update. I’m not 100% happy with it. It’s still a work in progress. I also have no idea how I want to change it either. I thought I did, but it’s not living up to what’s in my head.
This weekend was not the productive weekend I had planned out. I had planned on getting my apartment cleaned, getting super ahead in my classes, and getting something creative done. It ended up me sleeping in way to late, not getting any grocery shopping done, and just getting the homework that was due on Sunday finished. SIGH. That being said, I did get my kitchen cleaned. And watched some fantastic movies.
I gorged myself on the rest of my homemade salsa, ate noodles and dumplings, and made up my Swedish meatballs for Sunday dinner. I did absolutely no exercise. I ate way to much at the work dinner on Friday, but laughed myself silly with my co-workers. I was glad that Andrew was able to make it, even though it was snowing pretty darn heavy, and we were running late, we made it just in time for ordering. Perfect timing, I think. Even if we did miss out on the bruschetta, we made it in time for buttered rolls, and drink ordering. The food was delicious, and I always enjoy being able to get out and see people not on a working level.
By the end of dinner, the snow had stopped falling, and it was a little bit less harrowing of a drive home. We contemplated going out afterwards, but I honestly wasn’t up for it. My bed was calling my name! I still haven’t sorted out the heating situation, it was supposed to be done Friday but hasn’t been done as of yet. It’s harder with my schedule because I like to be home, or have the cat locked up so he doesn’t run out. So maybe I’ll call tomorrow night. After work… SIGH. Ah well, I’ll figure it out.
We got so much snow this weekend, it was a little ridiculous. Definitely made me stay cooped up in my apartment for the weekend. My floor of the apartment seemed very active this weekend, neighbours coming and going, friends came over, loud goodbyes. Ironically my neighbour also has a cat who enjoys taking off out the door and down the hall. And she also talks to it like it’s a child. I thought “I’m not the only one!”.

Woke up Monday morning to more snow and a slippery drive in to work. On the plus side, I was in bed by 9.30 and actually was able to get out of bed. Me likey.

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