Recap :: Weekend No. 7

Every weekend in my life.

Have you ever felt so tired before that you just want to immediately curl up in bed? But it always seems to hit you when you can’t do anything about it, either at work or driving in your car.

But yesterday, the best of all days, was a long weekend. Which means no work on Mondays. Which means when I get tired at 3ish, and I look at my bed and see my cat all sleeping so adorably, I can totally join him. And I did. I laid down, with my head almost using him as a pillow, and promptly fell asleep.

And it was a glorious couple of hours. When I woke up next it was dark and I was uncomfortably hot. Kumo was still asleep next to me, our foreheads touching. We would have made an adorable picture.

I did have some really weird dreams during that nap, I was running away from something [haha my homework], and it was me and Kumo on the run. I managed to save Andrew from being brainwashed, but we got separated in the escape. It was really weird, and slightly 1984-esque. All I had with me was Kumo and a backpack. And I was an amazing runner.

Clearly I was running away from not doing something *cough homework cough* and when I woke up I still didn’t work on it. Alright, I did a little. But I mostly watched Thor, and the Avengers instead.

How’s that for a random start to the week?
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