Recap :: Weekend No. 13

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your extra day off. I know that I used it well, but it doesn’t mean that I wanted to spend it that way. Damn essays. But thanks to my amazing brother, I got it completed.
It’s definitely not perfect, but I had a hell of a time getting it there. But once that was quickly rushed and submitted (phew, 20 minutes to spare) I could go to sleep and think peaceful thoughts. Because all I have left in this course is my exam. WOOT. Let’s not be an idiot, and actually spend some of the month I have “off” and actually prep for my exam.

But that’s getting off topic now! I took absolutely no pictures this weekend, and it’s a holiday so that’s an acceptable time to be camera crazy! Fail. The only picture is the one of my mother winning poker after “Easter” dinner. I put Easter in quotations, because we weren’t really celebrating Easter this year. It landed squarely on my Oma’s birthday, [she turned 83 yesterday!] and so we decided to do more of a birthday then Easter. My aunt drove up from the States, and I literally spent all weekend with my family.

Saturday I spent the day cleaning my house, [it looks/ed gorgeous] and then picked up Les Miserables, and my mom, aunt and bro came over and watched it. And it was just as amazing in the theatre as it is in the comfort of my own home. And, I was reunited with my favourite chair. A perfect night, all round. Included many, many cups of tea. Another late night up, only to not have the best sleep-in, as Andrew and I headed to his grandparents for Easter breakfast at 9.30. Woot. I hadn’t seen his brother since he’s been back from Winnipeg, so that was nice, and it was a lot of fun, and good laughs.

Rushed home and made up the mixed berry tart again for dessert. One day I will be able to work with the dough and not have to fight to get it on to something that it can bake on…. one day. But it’s so easy to throw together, it’s the perfect summer go-to I think. Use local, fresh berries? Perfection. Headed to my Oma’s with tart, whipped cream and ice cream in tow, and had a great time with the family. It’s really nice that my cousin and I are able to chat more, even if she has a wee one. 😉
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