Friday :: Big News [Finally]

Via Pinterest. 

AHHHHH KELLY CLARKSON!! Ok, so I’m back to being really, really, really excited. And I can finally drop the big news.

I’M MOVING! [again]
And this time, I’m moving in with my boyfriend, and it’ll be amazing. I can’t wait. This is the thing that I’ve been hinting towards for like the past month [or longer]. So now, almost every waking moment will be put towards getting all my stuff together in boxes, and giving in my notice to my landlord. As it was the beginning of the month on Wednesday, I’ve already given in my written notice and I’ve started to pack up my shit. AND with the nicer weather on it’s way in, I can start putting away the winter clothes and switch over the wardrobe. 
Andrew’s moving in on the 15th, and I’ll be following shortly after that. My dreams of an office will come to life. And I can have a garden!!! Woot woot. The only sad thing about this is that Kumo is going to have to live with my parents for the time while I’m moving out, because I don’t want him around when they’re showing the apartment. I definitely don’t trust the fact that they may or may not let him out. Especially since he’s such a people-loving cat. Also, this way I won’t have cat litter/hair surrounding my apartment in a cloud of dust. And then I can hopefully keep my apartment clean. Well, I have to keep it clean, and it’ll be easier when things won’t be in there. 
I can start moving things out once Andrew’s moved in which will make it a bit easier to move everything around. Ahhh this is so exciting, I can’t believe that it’s happening.

In other news, this weekend will now be devoted to cleaning and packing, as well as a wedding! Have a great weekend in this great weather! 
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