Recap :: Weekend No. 22

Gotta love the weekend. I did take the afternoon off from work, and phew it was a hot one out there! I spent the afternoon running errands before heading into Toronto. That post will be coming tomorrow, but I’ll just say that it was a lot of fun.

Saturday was spent mostly doing homework, although I didn’t roll my ass out of bed until 1.30pm, so I was less than productive. So much for going to hit the gym up! It was a bit of a slow start, but I did get a good chunk of my homework done. I’ve still got some more to do, but I’m getting through it and somewhat ahead. Ahhh until I realized this morning that I had something that I needed to do, due last night, and completely forgot about it. This lack of internet is killing me. Quite quickly actually. I know that I relied on it a lot, but I guess I didn’t realize quite how much I needed it. Especially for 3 online courses…

I’m just looking at my planner for the week, and it’s a little bit overwhelming. I don’t have enough time for anything… 🙁 Why can’t there be more hours in a day!!! I feel like because of homework my gym life is getting sacrificed… Because that’s what gets cut during the week and it makes me cry on the inside. Like tonight… no yoga, but I’m going to meet up with my mom just for a quick drink and chat. Ugh, I feel like I’m just wasting my membership away, but I just can’t fit it in some days.

But I was able to get lots of shopping in yesterday, and although I spent more time than I thought I would, I got away with some great deals. I’m looking forward to showing off my steals and deals, and perhaps a little bit more of a how I’m going to style them? Perhaps. Let’s get a little more #fblogger going on here. And we’ll see how it goes.

I just realized that this really doesn’t recap my weekend, but whatever. It’s how I’m feeling right now. Happy Monday! 
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