Recap :: Weekend No. 27

Well… This weekend was productive, yet unproductive. I have now moved all of my stuff in, and now have the daunting task of unpacking all my stuff. I didn’t get half as much homework as I wanted to get done, but I’m having a really hard time buckling down and getting it done. It’s just so blargh to me right now.

Anyways, I’m going to have way more posts coming about the in-depth exciting things that happened this weekend, as well as a moving update.

But here’s how I fared on my weekend goals:

– Finish painting and get furniture into the place! – This did happen, although it’s still a work in progress!
– Get organized – Kind of? Again this is a work in progress.
– Get ahead in homework projects – Didn’t really get this done. I did some homework, but then I made a mistake in something and had to stop. I didn’t go back and redo it though.

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