Recap :: Weekend No. 48

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

A terribly blurry picture of the Toronto Skyline. 

This weekend was pretty much a whirl of school work, and Christmas related things. Friday night was spent with co-workers and their spouses, for the annual Christmas party. It’s always such a good time, and Andrew and I lived so close to the venue this year that we actually walked over. It was the source of good laughs and slight disbelief. But it allowed me to indulge in a few cocktails, since for the first time I wasn’t driving. I was also in charge of getting a photo taken of the entire group, only missed a couple people. I did miss out on the opportunity to take a picture of my table, but that’s alright, we were all in the final group picture. It’s always nice to hang out with people from work in a non-work setting! It was such a great night too, not to cold, not snowing and not windy! Perfect for walking in. It was very refreshing after a night of drinking and talking.

Saturday, sadly was not spent in as much fun. I went to run a few errands and then spent a good couple hours with my Finance group banging out our final assignment. Our teacher is very understanding, and I’m definitely appreciative of that. It was good to get some good work done, and it all finished and handed in. One thing less on my mind. Saturday night though, Andrew brought home a tree, and we set it up! It’s officially our first Christmas together, and now we have a tree! It’s just a little bit exciting [more for me, than him though.]

Our Tree! 

 I even braved the malls this weekend [Ahh Black Friday weekend sales] and did a little bit of Christmas shopping, [I got all the cards for my Christmas Card Swap!] and got lots of errands done. And lots of cleaning, not that you would know to look at my apartment. Still looks like paper is every where, but I got rid of a lot!

Happy Monday everyone!
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