Toronto :: Spark Sessions Photography Workshop

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Happy Friday everyone! Hard to believe that it’s already been a week since Spark Sessions hosted their first full day workshop, but you know what they say – time flies faster as you get older. I still have yet to post about my fancy new camera that I totally didn’t splurge on, but hopefully I’ll get that one up tomorrow.

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It was a little bit of a stressful start to my day, ended up rushing around the house trying to get to the subway on time. I’m on the subway praying that the train will make it to my stop, and I won’t have to get off and take a shuttle to God knows where [lucky for me, I didn’t] and [again, lucky me] I made it there just a mere 5 minutes late. [A part of me dies a little inside knowing that I was late at all, but some circumstances just can’t be avoided].

Nervous as all get-out, I trundled up the steps of one cool building to walk into a room full of ladies. Setting myself up at a table, I won’t lie when I say that it took me a moment to work up the courage to introduce myself to the one beside me. But am I ever glad that I did! The nice thing about a workshop like this is that, for the most part, everyone is in the same boat. No one really knows each other, and it’s easy to open up conversation – “So what do you blog about?”, or “Have you done anything like this before?” Now, like terrible bloggers we didn’t actually take a group photo of ourselves, but suffice to say that the table I chose had some fabulous ladies.

The morning started off with presentations by the guest speakers, Casey P – photographer, and Natalie H – stylist. I know that I definitely benefited from both speakers – I have no idea how to use my camera on manual, and I have absolutely no styling gene in my body. It’s just great to sometimes get out of the box that you normally are blogging/writing/styling in and get some new perspectives. I’m definitely guilty of taking pictures that are less than satisfactory and still posting them up because I feel like I need to get a post up. Putting unnecessary pressures on myself because I have a “schedule”. Here’s to not doing that anymore.

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Then after a delicious lunch, we got to try our own hands at styling photos – and playing around with settings on the camera. I’m already getting much better, and starting to look at things with a more discerning eye.

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 But here are some shots that I took – no editing, just changed the size. I think that they turned out fairly well, don’t you?
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