Tag: recap


Recap :: Weekend No. 2

Recap :: Weekend No. 2

 The only picture from this weekend… Busy busy busy! I can’t really say that this weekend was amazingly productive. I ended up doing nothing around my house. I was actually out for most of the weekend, which is not…

Recap :: Weekend No. 1

Recap :: Weekend No. 1

Cuz he’s adorable The first weekend of the New Year. A fresh start. Time to get some new goals and some new habits in order. It’s weird to have this one start back at no. 1 too. It’s very weird…

Recap :: Christmas Days

Recap :: Christmas Days

Aw super cute throw back instead! I know that New Year’s should technically come after Christmas, but what can I say? I’m a rebel. Christmas this year was a little less hectic than last year, but not by much. Since…

Recap :: Holiday Styles

Recap :: Holiday Styles

Happy New Year!! I can’t even wrap my brain around the fact that it’s 2013. Seems like it’s all happened so fast. Even on New Year’s Eve, it seemed like the hours before the countdown went by incredibly quick. One…

Recap :: Weekend No. 50

Recap :: Weekend No. 50

So close to the damn end of the year. The countdown to Christmas has begun [one more week]! Super excited for this year’s festivities, even though I’m not going to be as busy this year as I was last year….

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