Recap :: Weekend No. 27

So pretty!

What a weekend. Epicly long, which is amazing, only to have another long weekend again this week!? I can’t believe that July is already here, and I’m bringing it in in style!

July long weekend, CANADA DAY! Andrew and I headed up to the cottage late on Thursday, actually a lot later than we were supposed to. A bunch of Andrew’s friends came over before I had finished yoga and were having a couple of beers. I ended up driving up because Andrew as not in a good state of mind at the beginning of the trip. We had to make a quick stop at Sobey’s and then we finally arrived around 1am. Unpack the truck, and then hit the hay.
This weekend was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. We slept in on Friday morning, and then I went out and did some stretching. Andrew made breakfast, and then he puttered around the cottage and I went and did some tanning and reading. And also some writing. I also had picked up Canadian Living at Sobey’s and they had some great articles about foods to eat for what. I now know what I constantly have to have on stock.. Woot for guacamole more often! Om nom, getting a craving just thinking about it. I’ve been so good though, drank lots of water and juice at the cottage, kept myself hydrated.
His brother arrived early in the morning, and woke me up. His parents arrived much later in the afternoon, they got stuck in all the traffic! It took them four hours to arrive? Terrible. But the weather was perfect and we just hung out on the dock until it was time to make some dinner. I had a bit of a meltdown at lunch time because what I tried to make didn’t work, and so Andrew fixed it. I’m glad he was able too, but still. I was upset. He made it better though, he came over to find me and tried to make me feel better. Best boyfriend ever.

Me on the dock at sunset

I helped make dinners (aka salads) and the nice thing about having his parents up is that we actually eat proper meals. They’re really big on the eggs, bacon, toast kinda breakfasts. I skip on the eggs because I’m not a huge fan. But I eat the meat for protein and have the toast for carbs. Still getting a well rounded meal. I might need them to get me some of the hashbrowns from Costco… Love them! And they’re a hassle to make at home from scratch. Om nom.

La Lune
Thomas on the boat

We went out Friday and Saturday night for tours around the lake in the boat, and it’s so pretty out there. Andrew drove the first night, and we made it back in record time. Such a speedy! Saturday night we cruised in Wes’ boat, and so many people were out there! It was a great place to watch the fireworks that people were doing around the lake. We didn’t actually do any, but it was great to see some! Even though we started getting eaten by mosquitoes and I was actually craving apple pie (which was waiting back at the cottage for us). So back we headed, and ate pie, and then watched a bit of a movie before I headed to bed.

Out to watch the fireworks

Sunday we headed home because the cottage was rented out for the week, and they were coming up around 2. We arrived at home then, had a quick nap, and then headed out for Ribfest! It was a gorgeous day, even if it was a bit hot to be outside with no shade anywhere. We made the tough decision of which ones to get, decided on Kentucky and ordered the platter. 1/3 rack of ribs, 1/4 chicken, pulled pork, beans (which were delicious…) and scalloped potatoes. Which also were delicious, I rarely eat them but totally love them. I found that the ribs could have used more sauce, they were a bit dry, but the sauce was delicious. Everything else was amazing, even the chicken. And the beans were probably the highlight of the platter for me… So not that point of Ribfest. Anyways, we walked around, got some awesome cups filled to the brim with old fashioned soda pop, and watched the rides go by. The carousel has always been a classic favourite of mine. All the pretty horseys!

So pretty! With Andrew’s shoulder ^^
After we had filled up on good foods at the fest, we headed over to Dennis’ house for the kegger/house party. We weren’t the first ones to arrive (for once) and got ourselves a drank. I decided that I was actually going to drink this time, and settled in to have a good time. It was a bit awkward at first because I don’t drink beer so couldn’t join in on some of the drinking games. I rocked out at Flip Cup though. We all learned a new game, and had a great time with that (me just watching… it’s pretty dangerous!) and just had a great time. It seemed like time was going by really slowly because we all got quite drunk quite early. Andrew and I called it a night around 1am, and cabbed back to my place. The only issue was in the morning we had to get back to Dennis’ to pick up my car. After I got that back, I spent the afternoon with mom and we had a chill time catching up on life and she fed me good foods. I got to play and visit my cat, and made the decision to keep him there for the rest of the week, since he was already settled.
I hope that every one had a great long weekend, and to my American readers I hope that they have a great long weekend as well! 🙂 Happy Canada Day, and Happy 4th of July!
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